
Saturday, April 30, 2016

The A-Files, Alcohol A-Z for Alcohol Awareness Month: ZERO Health Benefit

(See online video and article)
Twenty-six episodes of 'The A-Files' ran throughout Alcohol Awareness Month on YouTubeFacebook, LinkedIn, and, among other web and social media sites. The final segment, Episode Z, elaborates on the fact there are zero documented, evidence-based health benefits tied to the consumption of alcohol. Since 2010, there have been numerous articles on challenging the junk science people were willing to believe regarding health benefits related to alcohol use.

There are zero health benefits. Not from wine, not from moderate drinking. There is no evidence that drinking a toxin will make you prettier, healthier, funnier, smarter, immune to disease, improve your sex life or extend your years on the planet. Even the notion that alcohol improves quality of life isn't realistic. Four things to consider when reading a study promoting alcohol.

1) Many of the studies compared ‘moderate’ drinkers with ‘current’ abstainers. These abstainers could be people who had, for example, stopped drinking alcohol because of poor health, the disease of alcoholism, legal issues or common sense. When a 2016 study from the University of Victoria adjusted for these sorts of abstainer biases, only 13 of the 87 studies didn’t bias the abstainer comparison group, and none of these 13 showed any health benefit associated with moderate alcohol consumption anyway.
2.) In 2013, the journal Addiction ran a critical analysis of observational studies vs. evidence-based ones, concluding, “For almost all the diseases, we do not know of any plausible biological mechanism explaining a preventive role for alcohol. Alcohol's possible ability to prevent diseases should probably not be considered as an established fact. The absence of definite knowledge leaves plenty of room for wishful thinking, which we observe frequently on this topic.”
3.) Common sense does not support the notion that a drug that causes a disease can also help prevent the same disease. Alcohol increases blood pressure in the lab and is claimed to protect the heart in pro-alcohol studies. Alcohol use is a documented carcinogen, but pro-alcohol studies claim some prophylactic effect. Alcohol use visibly shrinks the brain in MRIs and cadaver studies, but pro-alcohol studies claim it helps stave off dementia.
Fourth, and not the least, is to ask 'does this study pass the smell test?' What would cause a reputable physician or scientist to expend the time and resources – and risk reputation – to look for a health benefit of consuming a toxin and known carcinogen? Health or otherwise, what causes problems, is one.
The entire 26 episode HD series is available on disc, along with fact sheets, for helping professions. See the preorder special at

Visit for a replay of CBS Sports' Power Up Your Health featuring Scott Stevens.  Another interview is on Alcohol Awareness Syndicated radio program Savvy Central Radio did this interview, too. Lucy Pireel's "All That's Written" included a feature called "When alcohol doesn't work for you anymore."  Details on the third literary award for Every Silver Lining Has a Cloud and the first for Adding Fire to the Fuel also can be found on Download the FREE Alcohology app in the Google PlayStore today. Stevens also is the public relations officer with 

Friday, April 29, 2016

The A-Files, Alcohol A-Z for Alcohol Awareness Month: Younger Strokes

Twenty-six episodes of 'The A-Files' air throughout Alcohol Awareness Month on YouTubeFacebook, LinkedIn, and, among other web and social media sites. Episode Y looks at strokes, especially those at younger ages than anticipated. Strokes, and strokes at earlier ages, have been linked to alcohol misuse in a study by the University of California at San Francisco. "When a young person has a stroke, it is probably much more likely that the cause of their stroke is something other than traditional risk factors," according to one of the lead researchers in the 2013 study reported in the journal Stroke.

The UCSF researchers identified long-term changes in the heart as a result of alcohol abuse or the disease of alcoholism may put younger users at higher-than-average risk earlier in life.

Stroke disables more people in the United States than breast cancer. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), every year close to a million people have a stroke – either ischemic or hemorrhagic. A study of 2007 data found that almost five percent of people who had a stroke that year were between ages 18 and 44.

"Substance abuse is common in young adults experiencing a stroke,” according to the research team. "Patients aged younger than 55 years who experience a stroke should be routinely screened and counseled regarding substance abuse. One in five of strokes involves drinking.”

The study does not offer evidence that patients' drug or alcohol use directly caused their strokes. It's possible, for example, that people who drink also see their doctors less often.

A separate study in the journal Stroke in Jan. 2015 found that people who average more than two drinks a day have a 34 percent higher risk of stroke compared to those whose daily average amounts to less than half a drink. Midlife heavy drinkers were likely to have a stroke five years earlier in life, regardless of genetic and lifestyle factors. The stroke risk in those two studies, of course, is long term, but there's immediate danger as well. According to a 2010 Canadian study, one drink instantly doubles stroke risk. Two hours following that drink, the stroke risk remains 1.6 times higher than someone who isn't drinking. When it comes to stroke risk, drinking is like walking out into the road, waiting for the truck to hit.
The entire 26 episode HD series is available on disc, along with fact sheets, for helping professions. See the preorder special at

Visit for a replay of CBS Sports' Power Up Your Health featuring Scott Stevens.  Another interview is on Alcohol Awareness Syndicated radio program Savvy Central Radio did this interview, too. Lucy Pireel's "All That's Written" included a feature called "When alcohol doesn't work for you anymore."  Details on the third literary award for Every Silver Lining Has a Cloud and the first for Adding Fire to the Fuel also can be found on Download the FREE Alcohology app in the Google PlayStore today. Stevens also is the public relations officer with 

Thursday, April 28, 2016

The A-Files, Alcohol A-Z for Alcohol Awareness Month: X and Y Chromosomes

Twenty-six episodes of 'The A-Files' air throughout Alcohol Awareness Month on YouTubeFacebook, LinkedIn, and, among other web and social media sites. Episode X is on the X and Y Chromosome (gender) differences in the way we handle alcohol. If you start from the perspective that alcohol damages tissues regardless of gender, you're on the right track. Drinking over the long term is more likely to damage a woman’s health than a man’s, even if the woman has been drinking less alcohol or for a shorter length of time. First and foremost, women have a greater concern for breast cancer. Alcohol is the only documented dietary connection to an increased breast cancer risk.

Second, in 2011, the University of Michigan Health System in Ann Arbor studied alcohol, sleep and genders. According to the lab readings, compared to men, the women slept nearly 20 minutes less and awoke more often for longer periods when they drank. Sleep is underrated in its regenerative value and how it sets up overall health.

Third, women generally are smaller, so the same amount of alcohol will be more impairing – and more damaging. But even if a man and woman are the same weight, the woman is at greater risk because they have less of the enzyme that helps break down alcohol in the body. Fourth, pound for pound, women have less water in their bodies and water is what dilutes alcohol in the bloodstream. Men are 61 percent water, women 52 percent. And that also means alcohol metabolizes slower in women, lingering longer to do more damage. This means, fifth, women are more likely than men to develop alcoholic hepatitis or die from cirrhosis, sixth, that women are more vulnerable than men to alcohol-induced brain damage, and seventh, women are more susceptible to alcohol-related heart disease. Eighth, drinking increases a woman’s risk of becoming a victim of violence and sexual assault. Lastly, there are obvious risks to an unborn child from drinking.

Drinking and drinking problems have increased in every generation of women born after World War II, according to Columbia University. Women in their early 20s are most at risk, but affluent, fit women over 50 may be particularly prone to heavy drinking, according to a 2015 study published in the medical journal BMJ. In one, single health statement, men and women are created exactly equal: Sobriety is better to have than to lack.

The entire 26 episode HD series is available on disc, along with fact sheets, for helping professions. See the preorder special at
Visit for a replay of CBS Sports' Power Up Your Health featuring Scott Stevens.  Another interview is on Alcohol Awareness Syndicated radio program Savvy Central Radio did this interview, too. Lucy Pireel's "All That's Written" included a feature called "When alcohol doesn't work for you anymore."  Details on the third literary award for Every Silver Lining Has a Cloud and the first for Adding Fire to the Fuel also can be found on Download the FREE Alcohology app in the Google PlayStore today. Stevens also is the public relations officer with 

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

The A-Files, Alcohol A-Z for Alcohol Awareness Month: Weight Control

Twenty-six episodes of 'The A-Files' air throughout Alcohol Awareness Month on YouTubeFacebook, LinkedIn, and, among other web and social media sites. Episode W looks at weight control, fat loss and the futility of dieting while drinking.

A third of men and nearly one in five women drank on a daily basis. Twenty percent of men and eight percent of women consumed more than 300 calories in alcohol per day. That's from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in a study looking not at alcoholism, but a separate American pandemic, obesity. Pilsener or lager beer usually comes in at around 148 calories in 12 ounces. Drinking light beer, offers about a third fewer. Dry wine contains fewer calories than sweet: 106 calories for five ounces of dry wine and champagnes… double it for sweeter wines. If you drink a glass of wine before dinner, another glass with dinner and one for dessert, that’s more than 400 calories in addition to the meal. Liquor calories depend on the proof for whiskey, tequila, gin, rum and vodka. Eighty proof contains 97 calories per shot. One hundred proof has 124 calories. How you mix the hard liquors will add calories faster. A whiskey sour will have 122 calories and a gin and tonic has 171 calories, a pina colada, 262 calories, and a large margarita can have as many as 400 calories.

The body uses as fuel macronutrients stored from the things you eat. Macronutrients are carbohydrates, fat and protein. Pure alcohol has none of those. It's calorie dense, at seven calories per gram but has no nutrient value. The macronutrients in alcoholic beverages come from what carries the alcohol or the mixer used. These carbs do not get burned and no stored body fat is going to get burned until the body first gets rid of the toxin, alcohol.
Alcohol is the first fuel to get burned in other words. Fat burning is postponed for alcoholics and non-alcoholics alike because fat won't burn when there's alcohol in the body.
Adele. Zack Galifinakis. Megan Fox. Three celebrities who in recent months dropped weight, all three crediting a zero-alcohol diet for the pounds lost. Doesn't matter if they're alcoholic or not, and I would suppose not. They wanted to look and feel better. And who doesn't?

The entire 26 episode HD series is available on disc, along with fact sheets, for helping professions. See the preorder special at

Visit for a replay of CBS Sports' Power Up Your Health featuring Scott Stevens.  Another interview is on Alcohol Awareness Syndicated radio program Savvy Central Radio did this interview, too. Lucy Pireel's "All That's Written" included a feature called "When alcohol doesn't work for you anymore."  Details on the third literary award for Every Silver Lining Has a Cloud and the first for Adding Fire to the Fuel also can be found on Download the FREE Alcohology app in the Google PlayStore today. Stevens also is the public relations officer with 

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

The A-Files, Alcohol A-Z for Alcohol Awareness Month: Vitamin Deficiency

Twenty-six episodes of 'The A-Files' air throughout Alcohol Awareness Month on YouTubeFacebook, LinkedIn, and, among other web and social media sites. Episode V returns to the topic of nutrition with Vitamin Deficiency. Even moderate alcohol use destroys vital nutrients –vitamins, minerals, and amino acids – that control mental function, preventing depression, and maintaining physical health. I'll note only two here: It raids the body of B-vitamins and has a dramatic impact on the way vitamin A is handled. A study published in the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) Journal gives a little more detail on vitamin A first. 

It suggests long-term alcohol use lowers vitamin A levels in the liver, which is the main site of both, alcohol metabolism and vitamin A storage, while bumping up vitamin A levels in many other tissues. Initially 15 percent of the body's vitamin A migrates out of the liver to other tissues. Ultimately, around 60 percent of the vitamin is lost with heavier or more frequent drinking. So it's a wash if liver vitamin A is low and vitamin A in other tissues is elevated, right? Not exactly.

The liver needs the vitamin A to stave off liver disease. And the other tissues don't feed the A into the bloodstream the way the liver does. You'll know you're deficient in the vitamin if you get night blindness or blotchy rashes or both. If it builds up in other tissues, it can become toxic. Self medicating with vitamin A supplements would worsen it, even if the liver stores are low. Vitamin A toxicity usually reveals itself with headaches, nausea, drowsiness, vomiting… which could be confused with the alcohol itself.

The B-complex vitamins are especially vulnerable and destroyed by alcohol. Specifically, B-vitamin absorption is blocked by alcohol use and vitamin-B stores are drained by the by the process of metabolizing the alcohol and ridding it from the body. These vitamins are essential to mental and emotional well being. Vitamin B1 deficiencies can cause neurological and cardiac disorders among drinkers. B2, B3, B12 and folic acid deficiency are all linked to depression and fatigue because they help control how the body uses energy. Vitamin B-6 deficiency can disrupt the formation of neurotransmitters in the brain, which can have the effect of helping make a moderate drinker alcohol dependent. Introducing a toxin into the body's delicate nutrient balance has yet to be proven to increase wellness or longevity.

The entire 26 episode HD series is available on disc, along with fact sheets, for helping professions. See the preorder special at

Visit for a replay of CBS Sports' Power Up Your Health featuring Scott Stevens.  Another interview is on Alcohol Awareness Syndicated radio program Savvy Central Radio did this interview, too. Lucy Pireel's "All That's Written" included a feature called "When alcohol doesn't work for you anymore."  Details on the third literary award for Every Silver Lining Has a Cloud and the first for Adding Fire to the Fuel also can be found on Download the FREE Alcohology app in the Google PlayStore today. Stevens also is the public relations officer with 

Monday, April 25, 2016

The A-Files, Alcohol A-Z for Alcohol Awareness Month: Underage Drinking

(online video and article)
Twenty-six episodes of 'The A-Files' air throughout Alcohol Awareness Month on YouTubeFacebook, LinkedIn, and, among other web and social media sites. Episode U looks at underage drinking. Impaired driving crashes are the leading cause of alcohol-related deaths among teens, but it is not the only underage drinking concern. Nearly two-thirds of deaths due to underage drinking are not related to intoxicated driving, according to data analysis MADD compiled. Thirty percent of alcohol-related deaths in people age 15 to 20 are from homicides.

Fourteen percent are from suicides. Nine percent are from alcohol overdose. Other causes, such as drowning and household accidents, comprise the remaining 15 percent.
The group's blog also notes, “Compared with non-drinking classmates, teens who drink are more likely get pregnant, fail in school, become sexually assaulted or take their own lives.” They also point to teen alcohol use as an indicator for alcohol use disorders later in life. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse andAlcoholism reports that teens who start drinking before age 15 are four times more likely to develop an alcohol addiction.

The European model of letting teens experiment with drinking at home – with meals or socially – doesn’t stand up to its alleged benefits of educating them about responsible use. Research from Australia’s National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre (NDARC) studied 2000 families over four years and proved it doesn't work. Ian Hickie from the University of Sydney’s says "In fact, it's the opposite, you've probably increased the chance that they'll drink irresponsibly in another place. It normalizes the behavior of drinking a toxin and known carcinogen, in addition to injuring a developing brain.

The health consequence is the most severe and overlooked part of the equation. According to the Federal Trade Commission, teens don't just drink; they drink excessively. More than one in eight sophomores and one in four seniors report binge drinking. A report from the Surgeon General notes that since the brain continues to develop into a person's mid- 20's, frequent binge drinking can have long-lasting effects on intellectual abilities. The brain’s frontal lobes are among the final pieces of the brain to fully develop in our 20's. They are important for planning, forming ideas, making decisions, and using self-control. When alcohol damage the frontal lobes of the brain, it is permanent. It's like luggage, you're stuck with it forever.

The entire 26 episode HD series is available on disc, along with fact sheets, for helping professions. See the preorder special at

Visit for a replay of CBS Sports' Power Up Your Health featuring Scott Stevens.  Another interview is on Alcohol Awareness Syndicated radio program Savvy Central Radio did this interview, too. Lucy Pireel's "All That's Written" included a feature called "When alcohol doesn't work for you anymore."  Details on the third literary award for Every Silver Lining Has a Cloud and the first for Adding Fire to the Fuel also can be found on Download the FREE Alcohology app in the Google PlayStore today. Stevens also is the public relations officer with 

Saturday, April 23, 2016

The A-Files, Alcohol A-Z for Alcohol Awareness Month: Tiredness and Sleep

Twenty-six episodes of 'The A-Files' air throughout Alcohol Awareness Month on YouTubeFacebook, LinkedIn, and, among other web and social media sites. Episode T looks at tiredness, fatigue and sleep. A mythology seems to have developed around the impact of alcohol on sleep… and it is true the central nervous system depressant drug alcohol will put a person under sedation quicker.
Alcohol increases deep sleep in the first half of the night, too, but short-term alcohol use only gives the impression of improving sleep. Drinking has a major impact on rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. REM sleep is important to physical health, metabolism and mental health. Edinburgh Sleep Centre did the sleep homework (see study in Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research) and concluded. "Alcohol on the whole is not useful for improving a whole night's sleep. Sleep may be deeper to start with, but then becomes disrupted. Additionally, that deeper sleep will probably promote snoring and poorer breathing. So, one shouldn't expect better sleep with alcohol."
The majority of studies, across different alcohol dosages, ages and genders, confirm an increase in slow-wave sleep (SWS) in the first half of the night. SWS, or deep sleep, generally promotes rest and restoration. However, when alcohol increases SWS, this may also increase vulnerability to certain sleep problems such as sleepwalking or sleep apnea in those who are predisposed. Alcohol suppresses our breathing. It can turn non-snorers into snorers and snorers into people with sleep apnea - where the breathing's interrupted.
Alcohol's affect on REM sleep is dramatic. REM sleep typically accounts for 20 to 25 percent of the night. Total night REM sleep percentage is halved in the majority of studies at moderate and high doses in so-called “normal” people as well as those with alcohol use disorders, such as the disease of alcoholism. Dreams generally occur in the REM stage of sleep. During REM sleep the brain is more active, and may be regarded as “defragmenting the drive.” REM sleep is also important because it can influence memory and serve restorative functions. Conversely, lack of REM sleep can have a detrimental effect on concentration, motor skills, and memory. When you're tired the next day, blame the alcohol's detrimental impact on solid sleep the whole night through.
There is also a linkage with depression – another thing alcohol mythology says drinking will solve when in fact, alcohol causes and worsens it. The entire 26 episode HD series is available on disc, along with fact sheets, for helping professions. See the preorder special at

Visit for a replay of CBS Sports' Power Up Your Health featuring Scott Stevens.  Another interview is on Alcohol Awareness Syndicated radio program Savvy Central Radio did this interview, too. Lucy Pireel's "All That's Written" included a feature called "When alcohol doesn't work for you anymore."  Details on the third literary award for Every Silver Lining Has a Cloud and the first for Adding Fire to the Fuel also can be found on Download the FREE Alcohology app in the Google PlayStore today. Stevens also is the public relations officer with 

Friday, April 22, 2016

The A-Files, Alcohol A-Z for Alcohol Awareness Month: Skin Damage

(See video and online article)
Twenty-six episodes of 'The A-Files' air throughout Alcohol Awareness Month on YouTubeFacebook, LinkedIn, and, among other web and social media sites. Episode S looks at skin damage created or worsened by alcohol use. Compared with people who never drink, people who drink are 20 percent more likely to get skin cancer. As alcohol intake goes up, so did the danger—light drinking was associated with a 10 percent increase in melanoma risk…and heavy drinking was associated with a 55 percent increase in risk (see the full study).

Assume that people who are imbibing at the beach or ballgame don’t want to interrupt their fun, so they don’t bother to refresh their sunscreen…or else they’re so bombed that they’re clueless about how sunburned they’re getting. Both assumptions may be accurate. What research at the University of Berlin found in 2012 is that alcohol consumption significantly reduces the level of protective antioxidants in the skin, leading to faster burning in the sun.
Alcohol use also helps age the skin prematurely. Blame the dehydrating role alcohol plays in all organs – the skin being the largest organ. Delicate facial skin that's dry from the inside out wrinkles more quickly than normally moist skin does. Skin also can take on a grayish tone since alcohol also robs the body of vitamin A. Vitamin A is also extremely important in the production of collagen. When you have lower amounts of collagen, you lose elasticity in your skin. Collagen and elasticity are what keep your skin looking young.

Drinking alcohol also is one of the main culprits of rosacea, a skin condition that causes redness. More than half of 1,066 patients surveyed by the National Rosacea Society cited alcohol consumption as the primary trigger for a surge in their condition. And, it's not just people with the disorder who run the risk of unwanted, permanent redness. Alcohol increases blood flow and dilates the tiny capillaries closest to the outer layer of your skin, it sometimes does it in such volume that they burst, causing unsightly, permanently broken capillaries on the face. The bottom line is that drinking will cause both accelerated aging – in which symptoms of aging appear earlier – and exaggerated aging, in which the symptoms appear at the appropriate time but in a more dramatic form. The more you drink in excess, the more you’re speeding up the clock.
The entire 26 episode HD series is available on disc, along with fact sheets, for helping professions. See the preorder special at

Visit for a replay of CBS Sports' Power Up Your Health featuring Scott Stevens.  Another interview is on Alcohol Awareness Syndicated radio program Savvy Central Radio did this interview, too. Lucy Pireel's "All That's Written" included a feature called "When alcohol doesn't work for you anymore."  Details on the third literary award for Every Silver Lining Has a Cloud and the first for Adding Fire to the Fuel also can be found on Download the FREE Alcohology app in the Google PlayStore today. Stevens also is the public relations officer with 

Thursday, April 21, 2016

The A-Files, Alcohol A-Z for Alcohol Awareness Month: Relapse

(See video and online article)

Twenty-six episodes of 'The A-Files' air throughout Alcohol Awareness Month on YouTubeFacebook, LinkedIn, and, among other web and social media sites. Episode R covers relapse.... because alcoholism is a relapsing disease. That doesn't mean a person has to relapse, it just means a set-back on the road to recovery is not uncommon. Nine of ten people who quit drinking will relapse at least once. Similar relapse rates are found in other chronic, progressive and incurable diseases such as cancer or diabetes. Research from Edge Hill University in 2016 notes that even just smelling alcohol can make it harder for people to avoid it.

Alcoholics and non-alcoholics alike drink for the same reason: To relieve stress. Alcoholics, even those in remission, have a higher baseline level of the stress hormone, cortisol, so they are more sensitive to the same stress that so-called 'normal' people would just shake off. The cortisol research is what I used as a basis for the book, Every Silver Lining Has a Cloud, and came from a 2010 University of Liverpool study.

Common stress triggers include HALT… being Hungry, Angry, Lonely or Tired. Triggers also include using food or trying other drugs, like weed or pain killers, to overcome stress instead of drinking… bandaging the stress rather than addressing it. Other triggers stem from revisiting in sobriety the people, places and things we knew during our drinking careers. This book covers grief, guilt, forgiveness and shame as four underlying stressors. A 2013 University of British Columbia study is the first lab work to show that physical manifestations of shame – like slumped shoulders – can directly predict a relapse.

Don't blame the stress though. It's our response to stress: Going back to the old way of doing things, or employing new coping skills. I demonstrate it to non-alcoholics by asking them to fold their arms in front of them, then unfolding them, recrossing them with the bottom arm on top. It feels uncomfortable, and what the alcoholic is learning is how to make the uncomfortable, comfortable. Relapse isn't a required part of recovery, but it isn't the end of the road. It can be part of recovery, or it can be part of death if we pile on the shame rather than encouraging a person to stay clear of their drug of choice, alcohol.
The entire 26 episode HD series is available on disc, along with fact sheets, for helping professions. See the preorder special at

Visit for a replay of CBS Sports' Power Up Your Health featuring Scott Stevens.  Another interview is on Alcohol Awareness Syndicated radio program Savvy Central Radio did this interview, too. Lucy Pireel's "All That's Written" included a feature called "When alcohol doesn't work for you anymore."  Details on the third literary award for Every Silver Lining Has a Cloud and the first for Adding Fire to the Fuel also can be found on Download the FREE Alcohology app in the Google PlayStore today. Stevens also is the public relations officer with 

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

The A-Files, Alcohol A-Z for Alcohol Awareness Month: Quitting protects the liver

Twenty-six episodes of 'The A-Files' air throughout Alcohol Awareness Month on YouTubeFacebook, LinkedIn, and, among other web and social media sites. Episode Q is on quitting to protect the liver. The liver is a resilient, tough toxin eradicating giant, but it will let you know when it's had enough punishment. 

Here are four tells of alcohol-related liver damage.
1) Waste elimination issues. Bloody or black stool is a sign you've damaged something. Dark urine, light-colored diarrhea are more common. They're caused by your body dumping bile, which it over produces to combat the toxin. The yellow is from bilirubin, a pigment in the bile. Urine will be dark when you're dehydrated. Consistently dark urine is a liver warning sign.
2) Bilirubin makes you appear jaundiced, which is a yellowing of tissues. The first place you'll notice this is the whites of the eyes.
3) A swollen and/or sensitive abdomen is a telling sign you're pretty far down the path on alcohol-related liver damage. The liver is located mostly behind the ribcage, and when it swells in size it will force your other organs down to the softer belly.
4) If you tire easily or feel fatigued, the body is working overtime and channeling energy to remove alcohol and its toxic byproduct just to survive. This is the most common symptom, and most overlooked one.

Cirrhosis is what people commonly think of with drinking and liver damage, but only one in 10 alcoholics develops cirrhosis. It's not the only alcohol problem. A fatty liver occurs when alcohol consumption disrupts how the body chooses its fuel. Cells normally use fat to produce energy. As acetaldehyde breaks down in the body it releases hydrogen, which mitochondria use before fat as fuel. The unused fat then accumulates around the liver, choking it. Alcoholic hepatitis is a third type of liver injury.

Liver trouble is not just a problem for those with the disease of alcoholism. Binges and so-called 'social drinking' also damage the liver. The liver is the main metabolic site in the body, so it has a 'domino effect' on many organs, especially during a bender. "Binge-induced liver injury impacts other organs as well, a view rather poorly appreciated by the public,” according to authors of a 2013 study appearing in Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. Those other organs? Can you think of one that isn't important?
The entire 26 episode HD series is available on disc, along with fact sheets, for helping professions. See the preorder special at

Visit for a replay of CBS Sports' Power Up Your Health featuring Scott Stevens.  Another interview is on Alcohol Awareness Syndicated radio program Savvy Central Radio did this interview, too. Lucy Pireel's "All That's Written" included a feature called "When alcohol doesn't work for you anymore."  Details on the third literary award for Every Silver Lining Has a Cloud and the first for Adding Fire to the Fuel also can be found on Download the FREE Alcohology app in the Google PlayStore today. Stevens also is the public relations officer with